The past few days have included some rich, beautiful conversations with my friend Cyndi as we worked on the land doing everything from prepping beds, to planting, harvesting and eating!
An understanding that clarified for me through our conversations was a translation of my belief:
"I don't grow food, Mother Nature does" into business--
"Business knows how to grow. Your job is to feed and nourish it."
I find this to be increasingly true. What does this mean and look like?
There are number of factors that together make up your business to be uniquely designed as it is -- who you are, the service you provide, your customers.... and in fact, those things will actually shape your business to grow in a specific and unique way. YOUR job is to hold the container for what wants to grow within it (you business) and that means slowing way way down to LISTEN.
Listening and paying attention with awareness to what your business is asking of you, what your clients are asking of you, what your soul is asking of you and allowing that to inform the decisions you make.
For example, I pay close attention to my customers (restaurants and consumers), to the plants (veggies, flowers), to the land (the soil, the climate), to my own capabilities and desires (my soul), and together they tell me what naturally wants to grow as the business on this farm. One thing that I have learned is that working with chefs and the soon-to-start-the-season Women's CSA (Community Shared Agriculture) is much much more in alignment with all those things than say..... doing all the farmer's markets. And, when I allow those things to grow, the customers start to seek me out in a way that my 'work' to tend that container is to follow up and follow through.
I know it seems like a more obvious metaphor with a farm business focused on growing things... but every business is a journey of growth.
Take a look at your business as it is currently shaped. How does it want to grow? What do you need to create a container, or a space, for that growth to occur and to thrive? How do you need to show up for that business that gives to it and feeds it?
How can you be the steward of your business?
I have found that answering these questions and following the threads revealed in the answers leads to a business that has ease and flow without the pressure to 'make' it happen. And when that flow comes without the pressure.... your business is sustained and so are you.